Posts in Uncategorized

Myofunctional Therapy as it relates to Sleep Apnea, Reflux and Aerophagia

November 28th, 2016 Posted by Uncategorized No Comment yet

Myofunctional Therapy can be a helpful adjunct to the treatment of sleep apnea, reflux and aerophagia.

Correcting the swallow pattern helps in building the lifting of the soft palate and increasing nasal breathing. This allows for greater airflow and decrease of snoring. In turn there is more oxygen taken in continuously.

When a correct swallow exists it causes more force in the initiation of the swallow. (more…)

When and Why should a Myofunctional Evaluation be done?

August 3rd, 2016 Posted by Uncategorized No Comment yet

In a perfect world anyone having orthodontic treatment, or substantial dental treatment should have a Myofunctional Evaluation. This will alert both the patient and the dentist to any potential difficulty that may impact the outcome of treatment. The assumption is often made that if form is changed, then function will follow. Form in this case is the relationship of the teeth to one another, or changes in positioning of the jaw, or major changes in a cosmetic way. The function is the relationship of the oral muscles, primarily the tongue, lips and cheeks and how they impact the dentition.

The Importance of Oral Motor Therapy in the Newborn

July 8th, 2016 Posted by Uncategorized No Comment yet

Attractor theme is extremely customizable, fully responsive and HiDPI ready WordPress theme based on a well structured framework which allows you […]